En av studentene mine som deltok på engelsk skrivekurs var usikker på forskjellene mellom adjektiv og adverb, og lurte på om jeg kunne vise henne hvordan de ble brukt i setninger. Lurer du på det samme? Ta an titt på eksemplene nedenfor.
Hovedregelen er at adjektiv modifiserer/beskriver substantiv, mens adverb modifiserer/beskriver verb og adjektiv.
“perfect” (adjective) vs. “perfectly”(adverb)
- Jane’s English is _____ (the adjective “perfect” should be used, and it modifies the noun “English”)
- Jane speaks English _____ (the adverb “perfectly” should be used, and it modifies the verb “speak”)
“immense” (adjective) vs. “immensely” (adverb) – “immense” means extremely large in size or degree; extremely good. Cambridge Dictionary
- The team spent an ______ amount of time resolving the dispute between the company and its employees. (the adjective “immense” should be used, and it modifies the noun “amount”)
- James found the role _____ interesting. (the adverb “immensely” should be used, and it modifies the adjective “interesting”)
“tremendous” (adjective) vs. “tremendously” (adverb) – “tremendous” means very great in amount or level, or extremely good. Cambridge Dictionary
- Working in one of the top 10 tech companies in the world gives him a _____ sense of achievement. (the adjective “tremendous” should be used, and it modifies the noun “sense”)
- Both Microsoft and Apple have been _______ successful. (the adverb “tremendously” should be used, and it modifies the adjective “successful”)
- We enjoyed the show/talk _______. (the adverb “tremendously” should be used, and it modifies the verb “enjoy”)
God lesing!